Plays & Players Membership Applications are OPEN. The Social Committee Reviews Applications at their monthly meetings.
Social Membership – $50.00/year
Social Members are welcome to enjoy our members-only Quig’s Pub free entry to all public social club events (Hooley, Spookeasy, Burns Night etc), invites to monthly member only happy hours and a digital copy of our monthly social club newsletter! Perfect for the theater lover who wants a cozy spot to discuss shows they’ve just seen and theater makers who want to let off steam and gather with fellow industry members!
Artistic Membership – $100/year
Artistic Members are makers and creators! Whether you’re a writer, director, designer, or performer – we see you as an artist of your craft! In addition to social member benefits, Artistic Members receive a 50% discount on rehearsal & audition space, heavily discounted rental space for productions, free access to the Melissa Lynch Research Library, and one free rental night in our black box studio! They also retain voting privileges on important theater matters. We want to support Philadelphia artists by providing them with access to space and tools to enhance their creativity while relieving some financial barriers.
Each artistic member is afforded a One-Night Event in the Skinner Studio. The Skinner Studio is yours for the day, a $250 value. Your One-Night Event could be a reading, one-person show, cabaret, comedy night, music performance, class, lecture, panel discussion…truly anything you can imagine as long as it is easily loaded in and out in a day. Contact rentals@playsandplayers.org for booking.
Cornerstone Member – $250/year ($150 tax-deducible)
Cornerstone Members support the preservation of our space for generations to come! This level of membership includes two (2) complimentary tickets to Plays & Players opening night performances, your name listed in the program, an early bird discount to Fancy on Delancey, early access to special club events, rental discounts, and voting rights, along with all social member benefits (access to Quig’s Pub, free entry to all public social club events (Hooley, Spookeasy, Burns Night etc), invites to monthly member only happy hours and a digital copy of our monthly social club newsletter).